While smartphone Samsung Galaxy event S III who not long ago this happened indeed had a chance to make a big commotion. Where an owner of Galaxy S III in Ireland have been memosting what he has on him is accompanied by a picture of a cell phone casing was destroyed by fire.
Samsung has post-war events, rushing to begin the process of investigation in order to find what is the causative factor.
According to the Fire Investigations UK (FIUK), which had been contracted to investigate the problem that Samsung, it was concluded that the cause of the explosion on the Galaxy S III is due to an external source. Based on the pattern of damage, it is very likely the smartphone is placed in a microwave oven.
Following the statement, the owner of Galaxy S III who suffered overheating, has found a bright spot, even owners of it was finally rescinded his indictment against Samsung. He owns a cell phone get wet and% u201Dorang% u201D another have attempted to fix it.