
2015 blackberry extinct?


development of rapid technology market forces increasingly short term gold product, it is now overwrite the blackberry smartphones ever to become the best-selling product on half of this decade.

the tendency of consumers choose products apple and android smartphone market blackberry his grind, the latest evidence of further worsening of the blackberry manufacturer RIM is a report about first quarter earnings 2012.

technology manufacturer based in waterloo Canada reported a loss of $ 518 million on revenue of $ 2.8 billion, that number declined 33% when compared with the number of the previous quarter and the lowest in nine years.

the other bad news is the delay in the launch of blackberry 10 to the first quarter of 2013, It turns out that there are some keterlambatannya are making the integration of key features of their latest OS later in bury it to blackberry 10 runs worse than on the supposedly.

all news is bad entry in tersebu to create this blackberry list 5 trademarks which would become extinct in 2015.

based on a survey of 5,000 consumers on forbes AS the blackberry ranks 4 with the acquisition of 14%, and 4 sound trademarks in addition to blacberry which would become extinct is eastman kodak who topped the top with 27%, netflix and the u.s. Post Office to acquire 19% and 18% of the vote as well as sears currently terahi with 11% of the vote.

forbes gives analysis associated with the decline of that trademark 5, that is, a lack of understanding about what want and improve subscriber experience bad, Subscriber over the trademark products.

5 trademarks that also will be left behind in terms of innovation in 2015, the five brands could not compete anymore in the innovations that are more clearly.

According to forbes analysis, model 5 brand is outdated.

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